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The question does not specify who or what the instructions are processed by, nor the nature of the instructions.

The human brain works at about a billion operations per second.

The record for single computers stands at 17.6 petaFLOPS (November 2012), achieved by Cray's Titan.

For distributed computing, which combines the processing power of a large number of computers using the internet, Einstein@home (search for sources of gravitational waves) is approaching 900 petaFLOPS

FLOPS = Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Peta = 1015 or a quadrillion.

The question does not specify who or what the instructions are processed by, nor the nature of the instructions.

The human brain works at about a billion operations per second.

The record for single computers stands at 17.6 petaFLOPS (November 2012), achieved by Cray's Titan.

For distributed computing, which combines the processing power of a large number of computers using the internet, Einstein@home (search for sources of gravitational waves) is approaching 900 petaFLOPS

FLOPS = Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Peta = 1015 or a quadrillion.

The question does not specify who or what the instructions are processed by, nor the nature of the instructions.

The human brain works at about a billion operations per second.

The record for single computers stands at 17.6 petaFLOPS (November 2012), achieved by Cray's Titan.

For distributed computing, which combines the processing power of a large number of computers using the internet, Einstein@home (search for sources of gravitational waves) is approaching 900 petaFLOPS

FLOPS = Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Peta = 1015 or a quadrillion.

The question does not specify who or what the instructions are processed by, nor the nature of the instructions.

The human brain works at about a billion operations per second.

The record for single computers stands at 17.6 petaFLOPS (November 2012), achieved by Cray's Titan.

For distributed computing, which combines the processing power of a large number of computers using the internet, Einstein@home (search for sources of gravitational waves) is approaching 900 petaFLOPS

FLOPS = Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Peta = 1015 or a quadrillion.

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12y ago
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12y ago

The question does not specify who or what the instructions are processed by, nor the nature of the instructions.

The human brain works at about a billion operations per second.

The record for single computers stands at 17.6 petaFLOPS (November 2012), achieved by Cray's Titan.

For distributed computing, which combines the processing power of a large number of computers using the internet, Einstein@home (search for sources of gravitational waves) is approaching 900 petaFLOPS

FLOPS = Floating Point Operations Per Second.

Peta = 1015 or a quadrillion.

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