IOOO years and you can remember it by thinking a millenium is a long word and IOOO is a long number.
one thousand years
The singular is "millenium"; "millenia" is the plural. "Millenium" means a thousand years.
1000000 years
there are 12,ooo months in a millenium. decade = 10 years Century= 100 years Millenium= 1000 years
There are a million years in a millenium
We are currently in the third millennium.
A thousand years ago is a millennium ago.A millennium is a thousand years.A millenium
1000 years
Olympiad = 4 years. Lustrum = 5 years. Decade = 10 Years. Century = 100 Years. Millenium = 1,000 years.
A millenium.:)
1000 years is a millenium.
well 1 decade = 10 years 1 century= 100 years 1 millenium=100 years So basically 70 years :)
a millenium is 1000 years...a century is a 100 years. So...are you asking what is 2000 - 200 = ? The answer would be 1800 years
Millenium means 1000 years.