No.100 ml = 0.1 litres
it takes 100,000,000 apples to fill a car
As you fill it, a square 12-ft x 12-ft pool takes 1,077.2 gallonsfor every 1 foot deep.To fill it to the 10-ft rim will take 10,772gallons.Note:If you want to watch the thrilling drama unfold on your water meter, the meteris probably marked in cubic feet. The pool takes 144 cubic feet of water for eachfoot deep, and 1,440 cubic feet to fill it to 10-ft deep.
Experimentally, by filling the object with water and measuring the amount of water it takes to fill it. Solving the volume with math requires calculus, or finding the volume of parts of the shape and adding them together.
because it is important to fill a box with water at regular intervals
The cells fill with water because of the movement of water by osmosis. (APEX)
To give you an idea, a 36-foot by 18-foot by 5-foot deep pool takes about 24,000 gallons of water to fill.
No.100 ml = 0.1 litres
Fill a gallon bucket, timing how long it takes to do so. Then fill your hot tub using the same source... example: if you filled the bucket with a hose, then fill the tub using the same hose. Then time how long it takes to fill the tub and divide the time it takes to fill the tub by the time it takes to fill the bucket and then you know how many gallons it is.
No, it takes the same number of water molecules to fill up a certain space whether they are in the form of ice or liquid water. In ice, the water molecules are just held in a more structured arrangement compared to the more freely moving molecules in liquid water.
For an experiment on how air takes up space, you will need a container (such as a balloon or a bottle), water, a bowl, a ruler, and a source of heat (like a candle or a lighter). Fill the container with water, heat the air inside the container, observe the water level change as the air expands, and measure the new water level with a ruler to demonstrate that air takes up space.
Water can fill the bottom of a glass because it flows easily and takes the shape of its container. Ice, on the other hand, is a solid with a fixed shape and volume, so it cannot fill the bottom of a glass. When water freezes into ice, it expands and retains its shape rather than conforming to the shape of the glass.
The cells fill with water because of the movement of water by osmosis. (APEX)
A gas takes the shape of its container and has no definite volume, as it expands to fill the available space.
The water displacement method is a way of measuring how much volume an object takes up. You fill a container with water, place the object in the water, and observe how much the water level rises.
Please fill the ewer with water.
it takes 100,000,000 apples to fill a car