25 years old (as of October 20, 2010)
17 years old
As of December 2009, 17 years old
If you were born December 1, 1992 you would have turned 17 in 2009.
you will be 19 in the year 2011
20 or nearly so (as of 22 Dec 2012).
25 years old (as of October 20, 2010)
If someone was born in December 1927, they would turn 84 years old in December 2011.
17 years old
As of December 2009, 17 years old
If you were born December 1, 1992 you would have turned 17 in 2009.
Fifteen years old as of May, 2008.
Today(13th Dec'10), your age would be 18 years, 1 month and 17days.
Oh, dude, someone born in 1992 would be like... 29 years old in 2021. So, if you're asking this for a friend, just tell them to do the math next time, okay? Like, it's not rocket science, man.
if you were born in 1992 you are 17 years old.