Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Lowest terms.
When a fraction is in lowest terms, it cannot be reduced any lower because there are no factors common to both the numerator and denominator.
0.63 in a fraction reduced to its lowest term is 63/100
If the numerator and the denominator of a fraction have a GCF of 1, the fraction is in its simplest form or lowest terms; it cannot be reduced any further.
4464 is an integer and cannot be reduced.
Lowest terms.
The fraction 531/1523 cannot be reduced any more.
The fraction 3/5 cannot be reduced any more.
The fraction 37/88 cannot be reduced any more.
When a fraction is in lowest terms, it cannot be reduced any lower because there are no factors common to both the numerator and denominator.
The fraction 3/5 cannot be reduced any more.
0.005 in a fraction reduced to its lowest term is 1/200
0.63 in a fraction reduced to its lowest term is 63/100
The fraction 6/35 cannot be reduced any more.
The fraction 59/64 cannot be reduced any more.
When it is in it's lowest term. Ex- 3/4.