4 because in word perseverance we have 4 letters E
The probability for a single random choice, is 6/13.
For a single random choice from a standard deck, the probability is 1/13.For a single random choice from a standard deck, the probability is 1/13.For a single random choice from a standard deck, the probability is 1/13.For a single random choice from a standard deck, the probability is 1/13.
What the answer
Q. A letter is chosen at random from the word STATistician.What is the probability that it is a vowel?What is the probability that it is T.
1/6 if the letter is chosen at random.
There are eight different letters in 'mathematics' - a, c, e, h, i, m, s and t. Since there are 26 letters in the alphabet, the chance of a randomly chosen one being a letter that's in mathematics is 8/26, or 4/13.
4 because in word perseverance we have 4 letters E
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"Playing cards" are chosen at random.
The answer depends onthe alphabet that you chose,whether or not you consider y to be a vowel,whether or not each letter is equally likely to be chosen (eg not from a bag of scrabble tiles), andwhether or not the choice was random.If a choice was random, from equal numbers of letters from the modern Roman alphabet and y is not considered a vowel then the answer is 5/26.
The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.The probability of a single point being chosen is 0.