well each question is worth 3.3333333 points so multiply how many you got right by 3.333333 and that's your grade
The grade is 63.
I think it's 86%
When you get 19 out of 30 questions right in the sixth grade," that means that you need to get you grade or score up to @ least 27-28 out of 30 correct." If you have any other questions, please email me at : kianabrown9@aol.com.
65% or D
63% or D
You scored 47.6% on that test. We have no way of knowing what grade the teacher will give for that score. But if it were up to us . . .
That would be 85% (30 divided by 35) which is normally a grade of B. If you only missed 3, you would have an A-.
The grade is 63.
I think it's 86%
The number of questions on a 7th or 8th grade constitution test can vary depending on the specific test and curriculum. Usually, such tests may have around 20-30 questions covering topics related to the constitution, its principles, amendments, and historical context.
*What grade was Ramona in? Fourth grade
60% or D-
Im scared what do i do
According to my grade calculator with a 60 question test your break point would be 30 for a D- and a 57 for an A+, so an 80% would 47 correct questions and that means you would get a B and that is missing 10 questions.
30 questions
52 questions for 7th grade math