To turn 18 in 2012, you need to have been born in 1994.
Born in 1991
He would have been born in 1994.
calculated in 2010 the year of birth was 1992.
If you had your birthday, 1999, if not, 1998.
You were born in 1945 (2012-67).
No, of course not. Unless there is some specific legal bar to communications, you can talk to anyone you choose.
18%=.18 if that's what youre asking
If you were born in 2004, you would turn 18 in the year 2022. This is because you simply add 18 years to the year you were born to calculate the year you will turn 18. So, 2004 + 18 = 2022.
If you are 18 then you were born in 1992.
Certainly not! You must be 16 and have parental permission to get married, otherwise wait until you are 18. And as long as youre under 18 and the other person is 18 or above, it's illegal in some places.
yeah. youre eighteen and your practically an adult. (legally an adult) so no, you wont get into trouble.
To turn 18 in 2012, you need to have been born in 1994.
If you turned 18 on your birthday in 2012, then you were born in 1994 .
You can be born in any year you choose, and if you're patient and wait long enough, you will eventually turn 18.
To turn 18 in 2012, you need to have been born in 1994.
You would have to be born in 2004 to be 18 years old.