You would be 34. Like all the rest who were born in 1977.
8 years old since 1985 minus 1977 is 8.
You would be 33 years old.
You would be 35 as of today (May 2, 2012).
Given the current date of February 2010, you would be 32 years old.
1977 minus 1965 would make them 12 years old.
2010 minus 1977 is 33
It depends on what day that person was born. If someone was born on January 1st, 1977, they would be 33 years old today (March 28, 2010). But say, for example, someone was born on September 1st, 1977... they would be 32 years old today.
if you are 31 years old and its 2011 then you would be born in 1977
You'd be 35 years old in 2012
You would celebrate your 35th birthday this year (2012)
You would be 32 in July this year (2009)
On July 1,1995 you would be 18 years old
32 years and 12 days
As of today March 1, 2009 that person would be 31 years and 4 months old.
Born in 1977 in Valence!