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Provided that the first digit cannot be 0, 1000 is the smallest number with four digits. Otherwise there are smaller numbers with 0 to thousandth digit such as 0100, 0050. The smallest integer in such instance is 0000.

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Yes if you mean the smallest 4 digit whole number

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Q: Is 1000 the smallest four digit number?
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What is the smallest 4 digit whole number?

The smallest four digit whole number is 1000.

What is the smallest four digit number?


What is the smallest four-digit number?

This depends on what you mean by smallest. The smallest four-digit whole number is 1,000; the smallest four-digit real number is .0001 (1/10,000); the smallest four-digit integer is -9,999.

What is the smallest number 4 digit odd number you can make?

The smallest four digit number is 1000. It is even so 1001 is the smallest four digit number that is odd.

What is the smallest 4 digit number is?

The smallest four digit whole number is 1000.

The smallest four digit even number is what?


What is the smallest and largest four-digit number?

If you allow non integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be .0001. If you only allow integers, then your smallest four-digit number would be 1000. Your largest four-digit number would be 9999.

What is the smallest four digit natural number?

obviously it is 1000

What is the least sum you can get when adding two four-digit numbers?

2000.The smallest four-digit number there can be is 1000. So, add 1000 and 1000 to get 2000, then least sum you can get when adding two four-digit numbers.

How can the smallest four digit number as a product of prime number?

23 x 53 = 1000

Is the smallest four digit number1009?


What is the smallest four digit number that is divisible by 2?

That would be the same as the smallest four-digit even number: 1,000, which also happens to be the smallest four-digit whole number.