1001 is the smallest 4 digit palindromic number.
No. 1000 has 4 digits and is the smallest 4-digit number. The smallest 3-digit number is 100.
01234 is, technically a 4-digit number. Also, 10234 is not the smallest 5 digit number. The smallest 5 digit [positive] number is 10000.
The smallest four digit odd integer is 1001.
The smallest four digit whole number is 1000.
100000 - 9999 = 90001
The smallest 4-digit number is 1000, and the largest 4-digit number is 9999.
1001 is the smallest 4 digit palindromic number.
No. 1000 has 4 digits and is the smallest 4-digit number. The smallest 3-digit number is 100.
Provided that the first digit cannot be 0, 1000 is the smallest number with four digits. Otherwise there are smaller numbers with 0 to thousandth digit such as 0100, 0050. The smallest integer in such instance is 0000.
No. It is not true to say 4000 is the smallest 4 digit number.
smallest 4-digit number divisible by 2 = 1000
If you consider whole numbers, the largest 5 digit number with repetition is 99999 the smallest 4 digit number without repetition is -9876 Their difference is 99999 - (-9876) = 99999 + 9876 = 109875.
12 is the smallest 2 digit number divisible evenly by 4
The smallest four digit number is 1000. It is even so 1001 is the smallest four digit number that is odd.