It is: 1515 = MDXV in Roman numerals
There is no palindrome for 14.
"Was it a rat I saw? is a palindrome.
Yes, 1331 is a palindrome
606 is a palindrome.
1515 was the 16th century.
1515 = 437893890380859375
1515/16 = 94.6875
It is: 1515-1370 = 145
It is: 1515 = MDXV in Roman numerals
5515, 5151, 1555, 1515
5515, 5151, 1555, 1515
"Aha" is a palindrome that can be used as a preposition.
The cost per ounce of an item that costs $99.00 for a total of 1515 ounces is $99.00 divided by 1515 ounces, which equals approximately $0.065 per ounce.
No, it isn't a palindrome.
The palindrome is Level.