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Less, 300m is only one-tenth of 3km.

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Q: Is 300 m equal to less than or more than3km?
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Does less than or equal to the same thing as no more than?

No..less then means that you have less then one thing..equal means you have the same and no more thenEASY ANSWER:Yes

What is symbol for more or less?

It depends on what you mean by "more or less". If more or less is used to indicate approximately or nearly equal to, then the symbol used is ≈ which look like a wriggly equals symbol. If more or less is used for more than or less than but not equal to, then you would use an equals sign with a diagonal line through it ≠ which stands for "not equal to" You are right but if it's more than or less than it would look like this (less than)<(more) or (more than)>

Does greater than or equal also stand for is no more than?

No, if you want "not more than", then use "less than or equal to".

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Equal to.

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0.37 is less than 37.

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fewer than (if the variable is discrete)not greater than or equal to.The following are NOT valid alternatives:not more than (could be equal)not as many as (could be less than or more than)not as much as (could be less than or more than)

What the signs for less or more than?

greater than would be: > less than would be: < Equal would be: =

What is the comparison operator used for not equal to in Excel?

You can use the Not function or the <> operator, which is the < and the > beside each other. To see if the values in A1 and A2 are not equal to each other, you can type: =A1<>A2 or =Not(A1=A2) In each case they will either give you TRUE if they are not equal or FALSE if they are equal, in the cell that you enter the formula into.

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Equal to.