A gram of water and a gram of steam are attracted by the Earth with equal "heaviness". Steam is less *dense* than water, until you get up to thousands of atmospheres of pressure.... then it doesn't seem to matter.
No, they are both 1 kilogram!
A kilogram is heavier than a pound. 1 kilogram is equivalent to about 2.2 pounds.
Most bikes weigh more than a watermelon. The weight of a bike can vary depending on the type and size, but on average, a bike is heavier than a watermelon.
A ton is heavier than a kilogram
A kilogram is heavier than a microgram. 1 kilogram is equal to 1,000,000 micrograms.
A kilogram is about 2.2 times heavier than a pound.
the kilogram is bigger than a gram
A kilogram is a unit of mass. If a watermelon is that big, then it is a kilogram.
No. A stone is about 6.4 times heavier than a kilogram.
a ton is heavier than a kilogram
One kilogram (kg) is heavier than one pound. One kilogram is approximately equivalent to 2.2 pounds.
No, they are both 1 kilogram!
It's the same weight
A kilogram is heavier than a pound. 1 kilogram is equivalent to about 2.2 pounds.
Most bikes weigh more than a watermelon. The weight of a bike can vary depending on the type and size, but on average, a bike is heavier than a watermelon.
A kilogram is 1000 times heavier than a gram
tom smith tom smith