A computer only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Computer's only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Humans understand natural numbers (1,2,3,etc) , but computers only understand binary (0,1). Computers only understand either 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Computer's understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Computers have zero IQ. Computer can understand or feel "High voltage" or "Low voltage" or you can say, on and off. Computers use '0' for low voltage and '1' for high voltage. by using the conbinations of '0' and '1' all numbers and characters are classified. for example- if you have to write 'A', It is represented in ASCII code assigned to it and then converted to binary, hence use it.
Construct DFA for the language
The computer understands binary because the 1 means on and the 0 means off, so that controls how it operates. Binary language is then converted to our number system where the numbers represent things. ASCII code is used to convert binary to text.
Data is internally represented in binary form in what we call machine language.
A computer doesn't actually understand any language, it just processes binary numbers.
Binary language.
Binary is made up of 0's and 1's. Binary can also be called Machine Code. Binary is the 'language' that the computer understands.
binary language is the natural language of computer
binary language is the natural language of computer
Binary language.