Yes. Scientists are looking into immortalizing small creatures, much smaller than humans and then trying it on a human scale - but as of now, we don't have any way of stopping death. Death, as of now, is inevitable.
no its not true if you sneez 7 times you will die that is a myth
YES!! If you hold your temples long enough you will pass out and die
Kind of, studies show a human dies every 3 seconds.
no its not true if you sneez 7 times you will die that is a myth
if ur frndship is true , then it will not die..........!..time will always fly... but true friendship will not die...........!Nobody can destroy a true friendship................................IT IS IMPERISHABLE............................!
yes its true
Clarence True died in 1928.
Ronald True died in 1951.
The true purpose for jesus to die was to Die for our sins. John 3 verse 16.
No, this is not true.
No. That is not true.