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It would just be considered dyslexia if you could not read. If you were dyslexic and had a hard time reading books you would have an equally hard time reading math equations. There is no type of dyslexia that is just about reading math problems.

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8y ago

Dyslexia associated with math is called Dyscalculia. Unlike Dyslexia it only affects the decoding and encoding, memory and processing of numbers. It is often referred to as "math dyslexia" as it is "like dyslexia but in math." Often the "tricks" that dyslexics use to improve the problems caused by dyslexia work for dyscalculia, thus the methods and successes of strategies for mastering mathematics by dyslexic can work for them.

It has been noted that dyslexics often are gifted in visual-spatial abilities. This is not true for dyscalculia.

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Don't see why not.

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It could be dyslexia.

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yes math is in every thing

Who diagnoses dyslexia?

Well, dyslexia is a natural thing. If it gets worse go to a Cardialogist. Or therapy. If you were just diagnosed with dyslexia like children just help them. If you can't help them then explain it to their teacher if they can give it tutoring.

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Can dyslexia go away?

Dyslexia can go away. Well, it almost can go away. just "fak ei ttil' you make it".

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