Examples of continuous variation are anything that can be measured such as, shoe size, height, weight, hand span and diameter of limpit shells. Discontinuous variation however is when there is a clear cut difference such as different colours or different species.
Sure! The definition of Laplace transform involves the integral of a function, which always makes discontinuous continuous.
Continuous variation is a variation that is distributable; under a normal curve. Height is an example of this with all heights being along a continuum of heights within populations, at least. This distribution of traits is usually controlled by many alleles in a additive fashion. Polygenic. Discontinuous variation is of one trait, allele, or the other. Blood groups are an example of this. A, B , O. You can only have two alleles here, so AA and AB and OO and AO, AB etc. are the expressed ( less the recessive O, except homozygous ) traits. These are single variations based on one allele and are not distributable along a continuum.
An infinite sum of continuous functions does not have to be continuous. For example, you should be able to construct a Fourier series that converges to a discontinuous function.
Natural eye colour is discontinuous. :) !
Continuous Variation and Discontinuous Variation.
Hair colour is continuous because there is a continual range of values when it comes to hair colour
Continuous variation refers to a range of possible values that a trait can take, such as height or weight, showing a smooth spectrum of variation. Discontinuous variation refers to distinct categories or traits that do not show a gradual range of values, like blood type or eye color.
The color of a rose flower is an example of discontinuous variation. This means that the color is determined by a specific genetic trait, resulting in distinct categories such as red, pink, white, etc., with little variation in between.
No, lobed ears are considered a continuous variation rather than a discontinuous one. Discontinuous variation refers to traits that have distinct categories with little to no intermediates, whereas lobed ears exist on a spectrum ranging from completely lobeless to fully lobed.
Fingerprint patterns are considered a discontinuous variation because they fall into distinct categories such as loops, arches, and whorls. While there can be variations within these categories, the overall pattern of fingerprints is not continuous but rather falls into discrete classifications.
I think it is continuous because you can measure the length of an hair, so to me the best answer is continuous variation.
A chart would be good for continuous and discontinuous data, as for the environmental variation would be a diagram.
no, as a flower is either for example blue or white, and cannot be something in between, thus its discontinuous variation.
yup!!!!! I know this one it's continuous and discontinuous radiation