.1 is the greater number.
0.1 is greater.
It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.
If you multiply your number by any number greater than 1, the result will be greater than the starting number - assuming your number is positive. If your number is negative, you need to multiply it by any number less than 1, to get a result that is greater than the original number. To get a number that is slightly greater, multiply by a number that is slightly greater than 1 (ot slightly lee than= -1).
Yes, if the number is less than '1'.Just the opposite, if the number is greater than '1'.
Yes, a prime number is always greater than 1.
What is the LCM of 1 and any other number greater than 1 ?
.8 is greater than .1 or 8/10 is greater than 1/10
NO because 1 and 1\2 is greater than 1 but less than 2. And 2 is a whole number.
Every number greater than 1 has the two factors 1 and the number itself.
No, you can't divide 15 by a number greater than 1 and get an answer greater than 15. All mixed numbers are greater than 1 by definition.