Two-digit prime numbers whose digits add up to 10 are:193773
The number is 85.
23 or 41
The only two digit numbers whose digits add up to 17 are 89 and 98. Since 98 is an even number, 89 is prime.
it is 23 because 2+3 = 5
Answer 18. The two digit numbers less than 50 whose digits add to 9 are 45, 36, 27 and 18. 36 and 18 are even. 36 is the only number whose paired factor with 2 is even (18).
33 is a two-digit number whose digits add up to 6. 60, 51, 42, 24, 15
There are two numbers between 740 and 760 whose digits sum to 17: 746 and 755