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  • y be the column vector the dependent variable,
  • M be the matrix of coefficients, and
  • x be the column vector of variables
so that the system of equations may be represented by y = Mx.

Then the solution set is obtained by left-multiplying both sides by M^-1

that is x = M^-1*y

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A system of equations can be solved using subtraction, addition, multiplication, and substitution.

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Q: Methods on system of linear equations?
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What methods can be used to solve a system of equations?

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I have never seen the term 'symbolic' used in this way. There are 4 methods used to solve a system of linear equations in two variables. Graphing, Substitution, Elimination, and Cramer's Rule.

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a system of equations

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A system of equations may have any amount of solutions. If the equations are linear, the system will have either no solution, one solution, or an infinite number of solutions. If the equations are linear AND there are as many equations as variables, AND they are independent, the system will have exactly one solution.