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Nature of geography:- 1. Geography is a bio-physical science:- geography studies on the principals of geology, climatology, natural vegetation and botany. 2. Neo-environmentalism or neo-determinism in geography:- during the 19th century, it was admitted by the German geographers that environment plays a vital role in determining human life and human activities. This principal was known as environmentalism. The same principal has been defined as determinism as well. Along with natural environment, the modern geographers consider human choice and human capacity as influential determining elements. That is why environmentalism or determinism has been re-named as neo-environmentalism or neo-determinism. 3. Geography is human ecology. 4. Geography is the science of earth space. 5. Geography is an applied science. 6. Geography is the science of distributions. 7. Geography studies regions of landschaft. 8. Geography is the study of resources. Scope of geography:- After assessing the concept and wide range of geography, the vital scope of geography automatically comes at the fore. Modern geography, now has become inter-disciplinary science, which further has added to its scope. It includes both the physcial sciences and the Social Sciences dealing with the physicsl and cultural elements, their powers' action and reactions. Its main aim remains to learn about the natural environment available at the surface of the earth and to know the interaction of the human beings. In this way geography has become a linking chain to bind physical, humans and social sciences.

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What is the relation between maths and geography?

Tire Need of Mathematics in' Geography LUIS I'BEILE, DepariBlnt 01 Geographr, UmenltJ of Ok1aJloma The existence of the world Is'a natural phenonmenon which Is difficult to define In terms of four dimensions. The investigation of the nature of our planet Is a human attempt, which is expressed in many different criteria, one ot which Is geography. . To the geographer, his 'field is the descriptive science of space area.. Such a det1n1tlon gives rOQID for both qualitative and quantitative aspects which are combined necessarily, by nature of the geographer's quest. The intensity with which the quantitative aspect, that is to say, the scientific method as used in geography, Is limited to a level far below that ot the qualltatlve intensity. The author agrees with the contemporary Italian and German schools of geography, which stress rightfully the importance of science in geographical investigations and teachings. Considering the method of investigation, the science fields in geography are three: (1.) The 8cien<:e of the planet, (2.) The science of relationships, (nature to nature, nature to man, and man to nature), (3.) The science of distributions (phenomena in cultural or natural occurance). In these three levels, sdence has mathematics as a common language because it has a spontaneous response from the physical world that is stUdied. As is for all sciences, mathematics is needed by the geographer to help coordinate those experiences which the qualitative criteria is unable to bring to a complete logical system. For it is mathematics, the technique par excellance, that implements a comprehensive order in the knOWledge of some fields in geography. Upon assuming a quantitative attitude, the geographer realizes that human scientists are operating in a three dimensional space and therefore must apply themselves to some system of scientifi<: induction, deduction and conclusion, all of which are performed mathematically. To insure the geographer's scientific success a simple procedure Is here presented, namely the order of scientific procedure in geography:

When is geography used in the real world?

Geography is about the real world. Geography as a discipline can be split broadly into two main subsidiary fields: human geography: largely focuses on the built environment and how humans create, view, manage, and influence space. Used in town planning. physical geography: examines the natural environment and how organisms, climate, soil, water, and landforms produce and interact. Used in environmental planning

Nature and scope of quantitative technique?

QT are mathematical & statistical methods used to analyze and interpret large amount of data in a systematical & objective manner. They play a crucial role in modern business decision making. The nature of Q.T in business tools that allow managers to optimize outcomes with limited resources.

What is a synonym for the word caliber?

capability, ability, strength, capacity, character, dignity, endowment, competence, force, essence, nature, merit, scope, quality, power,

What use to we have for geography in our every day lives?

We need and use geography in our everyday lives. Geography is used by every person in the world. We use it when we get out of our beds in the morning and go outside. This is because we need to asses the climate outside, or the weather. So we dress apropriatly. If we did not have geography, we would go outside in a short sleeve shirt even if it was three below zero. Geogrphers are also highred to determine where somebody should build for example a mall, or a grochery store. Someone wouldn't build a mall in the middle of nowhere would they? No, this is because geographers realize that the population here is limited and therefore nobody would go to that mall. Geography is also used for location things by way of catography (the study of maps or mapmaking). Cartography is used to make a Gps or place street signs. There are two subcatagories to geography, these are Human and Physical geography. Human geography is the study of humans and their way of life, While Physical Geography is the study of the Earths Natural Environment. These subcatagories coexist. For example, Humans are related to human geography and can affect the Earths Natural environment. While the environment can affect the humans and their way of life.

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Nature, if you're talking about Geography.

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scope of geography is the range of subjects in which are covered by geography as a discipline. subject matter of geography is the all about geography or parts of geography, for example topical or physical geography and regional o human geography.

What are 2 forms of geography?

Human geography - things to do with people, e.g. cities buildings, population Physical Geography - things to do with nature, e.g. mountains, forrests, earthquakes

What is the nature scope of geography?

Settlement geography focuses on people and where they stay on particular maps. It regards the number of people per capita over a given area and the human activities that they engage on (including occupation).

What is nature and scope of geography?

Settlement geography focuses on people and where they stay on particular maps. It regards the number of people per capita over a given area and the human activities that they engage on (including occupation).

What is the difference between physical geography and population?

The first category is physical geography, which focuses on the climate, landforms, soil, vegetation and hydrology. The second branch of geography is human geography; this emphasizes such aspects as the economy, cultural and social systems of a region.

What are the 2 types of geography?

Physical geography and human geography are the two main types of geography. Physical geography focuses on natural features and processes of the Earth, such as landforms, climate, and ecosystems. Human geography deals with the relationship between people and their environments, including topics like population, culture, and urbanization.

Describe resources of geography and it's scope and nature?

Geography is the study of natural and non-natural distribution of things on earth. Geography comes from the Greek meaning drawing of earth. We map out where natural land/ocean resources occur (i.e. oceans and mountains) as well as human resources occur (i,e cultures, nations, languages) So in quick, Geography is the study of the distrbution of resources and human culture throughout the earth

Is physical geography the same as geography?

Physical geography is a branch of Geography; the main branches of Geography are Physical and Human, these are mainly taught at school level. Physical geography relates to the natural environment.

What does spatial refer to in the context of geography?

It is the nature and character of physical space, its measurement, and the distribution of things within it.