If 63 out of 100 parts are shaded, then the fraction shaded is 63/100. To find the fraction unshaded, subtract the shaded fraction from 1 (since the total parts add up to 1): 1 - 63/100 = 37/100. Therefore, 37 out of the 100 parts are unshaded.
It is 37/100.
75% shaded; 25% unshaded
The numerator in a Fraction is the top number. It states how many parts are in use or are being shaded in. The denominator states how many parts there are.
It is 37/100.
To write the number of shaded parts, you count the total number of shaded parts in the figure. To express the fraction of the whole that is shaded, you write the number of shaded parts over the total number of equal parts that make up the whole figure. For example, if there are 3 shaded parts out of a total of 8 equal parts, you would write this as "3/8."
75% shaded; 25% unshaded
The shaded parts
4 and a half
It is 0.
A whole
I suppose that would depend on being able to see the shaded parts of the figures.
no they don't