"12 ft round" is not very clear; is 12 feet the radius, the diameter, or the circumference?
After deciding that, convert all units to a common unit (convert all to feet, or all to inches), then use the formula for a cylinder, V = pi x radius2 x height.
The volume of a 300mm diameter by 600mm deep cylinder is: 42,412,000 mm3
A round pool with these dimensions and 4.5 feet deep has a volume of 265,500 gallons of water.
The volume of the pool is 2,290.2 cu ft and has a maximum capacity of 17,133.2 gallons of water.
Depends how deep it is. It is actually 3 ft deep. thus the question 12 foot by 3 foot. However, it will hold approximately 2,100 gallons or 10,000 litres of water
You need more information. But, let's assume the pool is 8 feet deep at the deep end and 3 feet at the shallow end. If the pool is rectangular, the total volume will be 28,798 gallons of water.
The Olympic pool in China is reported to be 3m deep. ---- For top class water polo the minimum water depth is 1.8m
About as long as a truck
The volume of an area 24 feet round and 45 inches deep is: 1,700 cubic feet.
The volume of a 300mm diameter by 600mm deep cylinder is: 42,412,000 mm3
If the circumference of the round pool is 29 feet, then the volume of the pool (area times depth) is about 267.7 cubic feet.
A round pool with these dimensions and 4.5 feet deep has a volume of 265,500 gallons of water.
The volume of the pool is 2,290.2 cu ft and has a maximum capacity of 17,133.2 gallons of water.
The shipping channel ranges from 12ft at the edge of the channel to 40ft at its deepest point.
Here is a start. 1000 gal = 133.680 cubic feet/ for volume of a round pool...... remember Pi, 3.14?
12 x 12 feet, 4 inches deep: 1.8 cubic yards, minimum.