The GCF is 4.
GCF is 60, LCM is 900
To find the HCF you first have to write the numbers as their prime factors: 36 = 2x2x3x3 75 = 3x5x5 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case both numbers have 3 as a prime factor. Thus the HCF is 3. To find the LCM you need to multiply the numbers together and divide by the HCF. 36x75/3 = 900 Thus the LCM of 36 and 75 is 900.
Well, honey, the highest common factor (HCF) of 36 and 50 is 2, because that's the largest number that divides both of them evenly. And the least common multiple (LCM) is 900, which is the smallest multiple they both share. So, there you have it, darling!
To have a HCF, you need at least 2 numbers. There is no HCF in just 1 number.
The HCF is 5.
the HCF is 6
The HCF is 1
HCF = 14
The HCF of 228 and 240 is 12.
The HCF of 16 & 33 is... 1
HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2 HCF(10, 84) = 2