49 & 81
3332, 3333 and 3334 add up to 9999 - there are no three consecutive numbers that add up to 10,000.
(7777-6666)/1111 = 1 (4444+5555)/(9999/3333) = 3 8888/2222 = 4 4*3 + 1 =13
In order to find three different prime numbers that sum up to 40, we need to identify the possible combinations. The only prime number that is even is 2, so one of the prime numbers must be 2. The other two prime numbers that add up to 38 can be 19 and 17. Therefore, the sum of the three different prime numbers that add up to 40 is 2 + 19 + 17 = 38.
49 & 81
If you want to add two numbers and get 775, there are 194 different ways to do it IF you onlyuse positive whole numbers ... a lot more than that if you're allowed to use negative numbersand fractions.If you want to add three numbers and get 775, there are even more ways to do it.
3332, 3333 and 3334 add up to 9999 - there are no three consecutive numbers that add up to 10,000.
An odd number of odd numbers can not add up to an even number. There fore any 9 (odd) odd numbers can not add up to 50 (even).