6, 31, 62, 93, 186
As for example 38/6 = 6 with a remainder of 2
The remainder is 2.
40 divided by 6 is 6 with remainder 4.
22 divide 6 what = 3.6666666666666665
12, 6, 4, 3, 2, and 1 are the divisors of 12 because these numbers divide 12 without leaving any remainder.
Well honey, let me break it down for you. Out of those options, 9 is the odd one out that won't divide into 36 without a remainder. The rest of those numbers will slide right into 36 with no problem, but 9 is just too big for that party.
Yes, you can have a remainder of 5 when you divide by 6. If you divide 11 by 6, it will go into it one time with a remainder of 5.
6, 31, 62, 93, 186
As for example 38/6 = 6 with a remainder of 2
The remainder is 2.
40 divided by 6 is 6 with remainder 4.
22 divide 6 what = 3.6666666666666665
6 will go into 99 16 times, leaving a remainder of 3.