In an oil spill in the ocean, the oil rises to the top because it is less dense than water, creating an oil slick on the surface of the ocean. A Styrofoam cup is less dense than a ceramic cup, so the Styrofoam cup will float in water and the ceramic cup will sink.
used in auto mobiles
what are the real life examples of order staistics
the application of a median is eating snacks and reserving foods until next year
Statistics found in your daily life include the dollar amounts of bills you have to pay. Statistics are also used in weather forecasts and the stock market.
helium balloon left in sun will expand. sun makes balloon hotter and density will rise balloon
application of arithmetic progression in daily life ?
i dnt knw..
used in auto mobiles
air dryer
Well, don't try swimming if your density increases by much.
what are the real life examples of order staistics
u must be gay
You don't normally apply integration, or other advanced math topics, in your daily life, unless your "daily life" includes work in the science or engineering area.
the application of a median is eating snacks and reserving foods until next year
the cutting edge of knives ,blades, axes etc.