1. Close to 25% of fatalities on the road are related to alcohol.
Correct Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: Almost 41% of all fatalities are caused by drinking and driving or doing other drugs and driving.
2. Youth who drink before the age of 15 are _________ more likely to develop alcohol dependence, then if they wait until they are 21 years old.
Correct Answer: B. 4 TIMESCorrect!Explanation: Youth who drink before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21. (NIAAA, 1997)
An early age of drinking onset is associated with alcohol-related violence not only among persons under age 21 but among adults as well. (Hingson et al, October 2001)
Research continues to show that young drivers are more often involved in alcohol-related collisions than any other comparable age group (NHTSA, 2001).
3. A DUI/OWI conviction stays on your record for
Correct Answer: C. 75 yearsCorrect!Explanation: All DUI/OWI convictions will stay on your record for 75 years.
4. What is dependence
Correct Answer: A. When a person stops using drugs and experiences withdrawalsIncorrect!Explanation: Dependence refers to a physical state where when one stops using a drug or alcohol, withdrawal occurs. If a person experiences withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing use of drugs or alcohol, then he or she is dependent on that drug or alcohol. After repeated use of a drug the user s body becomes so accustomed to a particular drug that it can only function normally if the drug is present.
5. A speed sign is an example of a _________ sign
Correct Answer: A. RegulatoryCorrect!Explanation: Regulatory signs are white or red signs that regulate the flow of traffic and advise the motorists of any laws for that area. For instance, speed signs are posted in order to keep traffic from moving at an unsafe speed.
6. Good survival strategy for driving includes
Correct Answer: C. All optionsCorrect!Explanation: It's important that you know the rules of the road. But simply knowing the rules doesn't make you a safe driver. To become a safe driver you must practice defensive driving techniques. This means perfecting your powers of observation, your traffic safety attitudes, your courtesy to other drivers, your communication abilities and overall driving skills.
7. Having less than one drink can impair your driving.
Correct Answer: A. TrueIncorrect!Explanation: There is no safe way to drive after drinking. Even one drink can make you an unsafe driver. Drinking affects your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Remember in Florida it's illegal to drive with a blood alcohol level of .08 or greater. Even a BAC below .08% does not mean that it is safe or legal to do it.
8. At 60 mph the force of your car impacting a surface is about four times as great as 30 mph.
Correct Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: At 60 miles per hour, the force you produce is 4 times greater than at 30 miles per hour. Consider how much roadway you need to stop your car at different speeds. At 25 miles per hour, it takes you about 62 feet to stop a car. At 35 miles per hour, it takes almost twice as long to stop the car, at 60 mph.
9. Many cough medicines are alcohol based:
Correct Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: You can get a DUI for taking cough medicine, because it contains alcohol. Do you know why they put alcohol in cough medicine? It gets it into your bloodstream fast. That is why they can promise instant relief with a cough syrup. It contains alcohol and it is in your blood in seven seconds.
10. An example of a dangerous passing situation is:
Correct Answer: C. All optionsCorrect!Explanation: Never pass in a no passing zone or if there is a line of cars in front of the car you want to pass. Never pass where solid lines exist on the roadway.
11. Alcohol affects the brain centers
Correct Answer: B. Not EquallyIncorrect!Explanation: Alcohol affects various centers in the brain, both higher and lower order. The centers are not equally affected by the same B.A.C. - the higher-order centers are more sensitive than the lower-order centers. As the B.A.C. increases, more and more centers of the brain are affected. Each center affected has a different impact on our driving abilities.
12. The road is most slippery:
Correct Answer: C. During the first half hour of the rainIncorrect!Explanation: There is dirt, oil and fuel that accumulates, increasing your chances of skidding or hydroplaning, especially during the first half hour of a rainfall. All the fragments of dust, oil, gas, and other kinds of residue dropped by cars and trucks accumulate on the road s surface. The mixture of the rain and these fragments makes it very slippery when driving. So be careful during the first half hour to an hour of rainfall. Try to avoid driving during these periods.
13. The brain plays no role in addiction
Correct Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: It is an all-too-common scenario: A person experiments with an addictive drug. Perhaps they intend to try it just once for "the experience" of it. It turns out, though, that they enjoy the drugs euphoric effect so much that in ensuing weeks and months they use it again -- and again. But in due time, they decide they really should quit. They know that despite the incomparable short-term high they get from using the drug, the long-term consequences of its use are perilous, and vow to stop using.
14. You may lose your license
Correct Answer: B. If you accumulate too many points on your driving recordCorrect!Explanation: Point values are assessed to your licenses for moving violations. If you accumulate too many points your license can be suspended.
15. The top excuse for not wearing your seat belt is
Correct Answer: A. I am only going a short distance.Correct!Explanation: Did you know that most crashes occur within five miles of your home. So when making trips to and from your house, even in good conditions, remember to use your seat belt. As a matter of fact you should just fasten your seatbelt all the time. That is the safest way!
16. Alcohol affects the Limbic portion of the brain by
Correct Answer: C. Exaggerating emotional statesCorrect!Explanation: Limbic System
The limbic system controls emotions and memory. As alcohol affects this system, the person is subject to exaggerated states of emotion (anger, aggressiveness, withdrawal) and memory loss.
17. Not all moving violations will appear on your driving record.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: Every time you are convicted of a traffic violation or are involved in a collision, it's recorded on your driving record. Many states use a point system to identify unsafe drivers, assigning point values for each traffic violation, such as reckless driving, speeding or failing to obey stop signs.
18. If you are being followed by a tailgater, you should change lanes or slow down to encourage them to pass
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: Don't tailgate - Maintain a 2-3 second gap between you and the vehicle in front of you. And if you're on the highway or driving in bad conditions, increase that time to 3 to 5 seconds. Never use tailgating to express your anger or frustration. It's senseless and it puts others at risk. If you're being tailgated, don't take it personally: stay calm, and either slow down or change lanes to let the tailgater pass.
Measure your following distance in seconds.
19. At 25 MPH, it will take you about _____ feet to stop your car
Your Answer: ACorrect Answer: B. 62Incorrect!Explanation: At 60 miles per hour, the force you produce is 4 times greater than at 30 miles per hour. Consider how much roadway you need to stop your car at different speeds. At 25 miles per hour, it takes you about 62 feet to stop a car.
20. You are allowed to use your vehicle horn:
Correct Answer: B. Only when reasonably necessary to prevent a collision.Correct!Explanation: You should only use your horn to warn other drivers or to prevent a crash, not to show how upset you are because you missed your morning coffee.
21. White or Red signs
Correct Answer: B. RegulateCorrect!Explanation: Regulatory signs are white or red signs that regulate the flow of traffic and advise the motorists of any laws for that area.
22. Driving a motor vehicle is:
Correct Answer: B. A privilege.Correct!Explanation: Remember, the driving privilege is exactly that - a privilege - and if you don't treat it right you may lose it.
23. On a city street you should be looking ahead of you as far ahead as the car in front of you.
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: Aim high." Aim your eyes upward. To aim high means while you are driving down the road look upwards. You almost want to look up into the sky. Try to see at least 10 cars ahead of you. If you Are behind a van, truck or a vehicle with tinted windows, change lanes. It will make a world of difference.
24. Alcohol related crashes cost the public _____.
Correct Answer: C. $116 billionCorrect!Explanation: Alcohol-related crashes cost the American public $114 billion annually.
About a third of that is monetary costs, and the other two-thirds is quality of life losses.
25. A pedestrian crossing sign is an example of a regulatory sign.
Correct Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: A pedestrian crossing sign is a warning sign. You must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Just ahead is a location where people on foot often cross. The crosswalk may not necessarily be at an intersection. Use caution as you approach and drive more slowly and carefully, watching both sides of the street.
26. Driving a car is similar to:
Correct Answer: B. A loaded weaponCorrect!Explanation: Remember if you are an unaware driver or an aggressive driver, your car is like a loaded weapon. You can either choose to point it at somebody, put it back in your pocket, or do not have a loaded gun at all. You must own up to that responsibility. It is a right to own a vehicle, but it is a privilege to drive.
27. If you accumulate _____ points in 12 months your license will be suspended for 30 days.
Correct Answer: B. 12Correct!Explanation: The DHSMV may suspend your drivers license if you accumulate:
12 points within 12 months - 30 day suspension
18 points within 18 months - 90 day suspension
24 points within 36 months - One year suspension.
28. It will take approximately _____ for each consumed drink to leave your body:
Your Answer: BCorrect Answer: B. One HourCorrect!Explanation: Once alcohol gets into your bloodstream, you cannot kick it out. People think they can. Alcohol, because it is a poison, has to pass through your liver and your kidneys. It has to be cleaned, oxidized, and passed out through urine. That process takes one hour per drink.
29. Each year, over _______ collisions occur.
Correct Answer: B. 6 millionCorrect!Explanation: There are over 6 1/2 million collisions on the road every year, one-third of these crashes resulting in an injury or death.
30. A limit line marks the beginning of a intersection
Correct Answer: A. TrueCorrect!Explanation: A solid white line crossing found prior to an intersection. This line will cut across the lane of indicating a stopping point.
31. If your license has been suspended, you must do the following to reinstate your license:
Correct Answer: C. All of the aboveCorrect!Explanation: If your license has been suspended, you must do the following to reinstate your license:
* Serve the period of suspension
* Attend any required driver improvement school
* Pay any service fee in addition to any fines ordered by court
* Show proof of insurance
* You also may be required to re-take part of the license test.
32. Your driving may be impaired by:
Correct Answer: C. All of the aboveCorrect!Explanation: Although, alcohol maybe the most common drug abused by motorists, there are many other drugs that can affect your ability to drive safely. One example is narcotics, which includes morphine, heroin, and even over-the-counter medications, especially cough syrups with codeine. Even strong emotions can impair your driving abilities.
33. If you are involved in a collision and you do not stop at the scene
Correct Answer: B. You are breaking the lawCorrect!Explanation: You must stop - unless you're in the line of oncoming traffic, stop. If you're in the line of oncoming traffic, then pull off onto the nearest shoulder on the road and stop. You are breaking the law if you do not stop at the scene of a crash.
34. Two parallel white lines indicate:
Correct Answer: A. A crosswalkIncorrect!Explanation: Two parallel white lines mark a crosswalk for pedestrians. Most of the time you'll find them at intersections where pedestrians can use them when they have a green light or �walk� signal. Remember, pedestrians can be unpredictable and may not cross with the green light, or may not allow themselves enough time to cross before the light turns red.
35. Zero Tolerance Law Means:
Correct Answer: C. It is illegal for minors to operate a vehicle after even one drink.Correct!Explanation: Florida has a �zero-tolerance� law for people under 21 years old. Under this law, a minor cannot have any measurable alcohol or other drug in their blood while driving a motor vehicle. If you are under 21 your license will be suspended if you are found driving with a BAC level of .02 or higher.
36. if you are involved in a skid, what should you NEVER do?
Correct Answer: C. Lock your brakesCorrect!Explanation: The main thing to remember is:
* Never lock your brakes
* Ease your foot off the accelerator
* Steer in the direction of the skid
* Stop when you have regained control of your car.
37. If you start to skid, you should apply a quick pumping motion to your brakes if you have anti-lock brakes.
Correct Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: If you have anti-lock brakes, just press firmly on your brake pedal and the computer will take over. Do not pump the brake pedal.
38. The chances of being involved in an auto collision once a year are:
Correct Answer: A. 1 in 25Correct!Explanation: Your chance of being involved in an automobile crash once a year is 1 in 25.
39. If two cars get to a four-way stop intersection at the same time, the car making a left turn should always be given the right of way
Correct Answer: B. FalseCorrect!Explanation: At a four-way stop, the car on the left has to yield the right of way to the car on the right. Never insist on it.
40. Warning signs are usually _____-shaped.
Correct Answer: C. DiamondIncorrect!Explanation: Did you know that shapes of signs are also indicative of what is ahead? A school zone is in the shape of a schoolhouse. Warning signs are always diamonds.
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You need to do this. Other drivers don't want a person on the road with them who cheated on the test or can't pass it.
1/4 is a fraction in lowest terms.added:1/4 is already a fraction in it's lowest terms. Unless you are supposed to be converting it to decimals, which is 0.25, or percents, 25%, then that is your final answer.
Hey i dont have the answers but please tell me if u get them..!
a b c d e g a b c d a e
You need to do this. Other drivers don't want a person on the road with them who cheated on the test or can't pass it.
That would be cheating!
Sample B had the lowest final temperature.
People break the laws so theyget in prison they try to keep people from smoking YOU CAN DIE
If you take a class in person you will just sit down and listen to the lecture. And after the lecture you will have to take a final. If you take an online class you will basically be taking it traffic school at home, you will be able to take the final at your own speed. You are able to re take the final and quiz over and over until you pass. Definitely take the online class because it's more convenient. I took it in a class and it was the worst I had such a hard time. you should look into Trafficschool.com.
12 seed--Villanova
The lowest seed to reach the Elite 8 was #12 Missouri in 2002.
Answers to a final exam can not be obtain through the internet. Students will have to study notes and books from the NIMS course to obtain the answers.
Studying the information that was given the ought the course is the best way to know the answers to the ammo 67 final exam. These answers are not given online.
Gary Player is the multiple Masters champion who tied a record for the lowest final nine and the highest final nine by a winner. The name of the very first Masters was the August National Invitation Tournament.