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If: 2x+y = 1 then y = 1-2x and y^2 = (1-2x)^2 which is 1-4x+4x^2

If: x^2 -xy -y^2 = -11 then x^2 -x(1-2x) -(1-4x+4x^2) = -11

So it follows: x^2 -x +2x^2 -1 +4x -4x^2 +11 = 0

Collecting like terms: -x^2 +3x +10 = 0

Factorizing the above: (x-5)(-x-2) = 0 meaning x = 5 or -2

Points of intersection by substitution are at: (5, -9) and (-2, 5)

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They are (0, 1) and (3, -5).

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Q: What are the points of intersection of the equations x2 -xy -y2 equals -11 and 2x plus y equals 1?
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