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The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.

The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.

The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.

The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.

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The answer depends on the nature of the investigation.

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Q: What dependent independent and control variables are in an investigation?
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Related questions

Independent and dependent are types of what?

Independent and dependent are types of variables. These variables are used mostly in science and math. When using independent variables you can control them dependent variables you cannot.

Is it easier to control dependent variables than independent variables in a scientific experiment?

It is easier to control independent variables

How many independent variables should an investigation have?

There can only be one independent and one dependent variable. All other variables should be classed as control variables and must be kept constant to achieve a fair test.

Distinguish between independent and dependent variables?

They are respectively the ones you control (independent) and the ones you mesure (dependent).

How do you pick out independent variables and dependent variables?

An Independent variable is what you control; you decide the focus of your experiment and what you control on the independent variable. Dependent variable is what you want to look at or find results for; you decide what you want to see from manipulating your independent variable.

What are controlled independent and dependent variables?

control variables: the things that are not changing.Independent variables: the things that you change.Dependent variables: the things that are changed due to the independent variable

Independent vs dependent variables?

Free from outside control means Independent . While dependent Is opposite.

What are Three types of variables?

Control Variable, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable.

What is the control and the independent variable and the dependent variable?

They are all variables (or possibly, vaiables!).

In an experimental investigation the variable that the researcher changes or manipulates in order to see its effects is called the?

Independent variable, is variable that the experimenter manipulates

Which variable can you control?

You can control independent variables in an experiment. These are factors that you deliberately change in order to observe their effect on dependent variables, which are the outcomes you are measuring. By controlling independent variables, you can help determine cause-and-effect relationships.

Masks the true relationship between the independent and dependent variables?
