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Those are letters commonly used for variables. As such, they can stand for any number. A variable may refer to "any number", as in:For any number, call it "x", 2x = x + x

Or for a specific number, which has yet to be found, as in: find the value of "x", such that 2x + 1 = 7 (the solution is 3, in this example).

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

As well as what Hilmar said, if you are thinking of Geometry, these letters are often used to name the three axes in 3D Geometry: X, Y and Z axis.

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Q: What do x y and z mean in math?
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If you mean what is the name for what x, y, and z when used in math, then the word is variable.

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X is divisible by Y if there is an integer Z such that X = Y*Z that is, Y will go into X without remainder.

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A binary operator, ~, defined over the elements of a set S, has the associative property if for any three elements x, y and z of S, (x ~ y) ~ z = x ~ (y ~ z) and so we can write either of them as x ~ y ~ z without ambiguity.

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No. If it were, it would mean that x * (y/z) = (x*y)/(x*z) which is not true.

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A mathematical property, ~, is said to be transitive over a set S if, for any three elements, x y and z x ~ y and y ~ z implies than x ~ z. For example, "is greater than (>)" is transitive, but "is not equal to" is not.

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If x = y and y = z then x = z

What are the boolean theorems?

Commutative x + y = y + x x . y = y . x Associative x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z = x+y+z x.(y.z) = (x.y).z = x.y.z Distributive x.(y+z) = x.y + x.z (w+x)(y+z) = wy + xy + wz + xz x + xy = x x + x'y = x + y where, x & y & z are inputs.

Possible subsets of x y z?

There are 8 different subsets. The null set. {x} {y} {z} {x y} {x z} {y z} {x y z}

How do you rewrite an absolute value equation as two linear equations?

x=abs(y+z) x=+(y+z)=y+z x=-(y+z)=-y-z

How do you type cheat codes in 4x4 evo 2?

well on gamecube make a profile,exit,and on the main menu type in y,x,z,y,x,z,x,x,y,z,x,y for money or y,y,z,x,x,z,y,y,y,x,x,x for maximum reputation

Does greater mean addition or multiplication?

It means neither: it is a comparison of two values.Y is bigger than X ifY = X + Z where Z is a positive number,Y = X - Z where Z is a negative number,Y = X * Z where Z is a number which is more than 1, or,Y = X / Z where Z is a number between 0 and 1.