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The phrase two peas in a pod means that two people or items are identical or very similar. It dates back to as early as the 16th century.

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Q: What do you call two peas in a pot?
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What is Two peas in a pot?

Two peas in a pod mean they are very close friends,.... and it is a meatophorBy: Darkstar59

How to cook black eyed peas in a crock pot?

To cook black eyed peas in a crock pot, rinse the peas and place them in the crock pot with water or broth. Add seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 3-4 hours until the peas are tender. Enjoy as a side dish or in soups and stews.

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Tea pot.

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As alike as two peas in a pod is an example of what figure of speech?

'Like two peas in a pod' is a simile.

What do you call a pot in Hindi?

Pot means 'mitti ka patra'.

How do you use the word pease in a sentence?

Pease can also be written as Peas. But do mind the difference between two.

Why do the black eyed peas call them self the black eyed peas?

because they say black eyed peas are food for the soul and the black eyed peas sing from their soul!

Who is the girl in the black eyed peas?

The girl in the black eyed Peas is Fergie.She is British and was the latest one to join the group she has made a popular CD by herself call the dutchess and she can really sing. Fergie and are the two main singers of the Black Eyed Peas.

What does peas in a pod mean?

Two peas in a pod means to be very similar in something. In a literal sense, two peas in the same pod are identical. This expression is then used when two people, two animals, or objects are very alike.