I understand by birth and Death Rate is that it is a statistic kept by National Government, county and local councils to enable forward planning. It should be an indicator of where resources are best used to the advantage of society, as a whole.
I understand Birth Rate for a population to mean the number of live births in a population of a specific size (say 100,000) over a specific period (1 year). A death rate is the number of deaths in a population of specific size (say 100,000) over a specific period (1 year).
birth rate - 295 death rate - 876 rg
If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population increases. If the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population decreases.
the birth rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.
A population with a death rate greater than a birth rate has a declining population.
The birth rate affects the size of population because of what its like. And the death rate is more than you can imagine.
iraq's birth and death rate is birth: 31.4 births per 5.3 deaths.
birth rate greater than death rate
the birth rate is 65% and death rate is 35%
birth rate - 295 death rate - 876 rg
The birth rate is the rate of people that have be born and the death rate is the rate of the people who have died.
If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population increases. If the death rate is higher than the birth rate, the population decreases.
In Egypt BIRTH RATE is 22.53/1000 and DEATH RATE is 5.11/1000
birth rate-63.26
The Birth rate of Spain is 27 and the death rate is 58
the birth rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.
iraq's birth and death rate is birth: 31.4 births per 5.3 deaths.
A population with a death rate greater than a birth rate has a declining population.