It is the equivalent of 500,000 and somtimes it is notated as (D) meaning 1,000*500 = 500,000
D = 500
500 = D
M=1000, D=500, I=1. So, 1501 is equal to MDI in Roman numerals.
500,000 in Roman numerals is D with a line over it. The line multiplies 500 to 500,000.
D in Roman numerals is equal to 500 at one time 500 was expressed as I) meaning 1*500 over time they were merged to today's D.
D = 500
500 = D
A is not used in Roman numerals. Only I, V, X, L, C, D, and M are used.
M=1000, D=500, I=1. So, 1501 is equal to MDI in Roman numerals.
500,000 in Roman numerals is D with a line over it. The line multiplies 500 to 500,000.
D in Roman numerals is equal to 500 at one time 500 was expressed as I) meaning 1*500 over time they were merged to today's D.
"D" in Roman Numerals equals 500.
Assuming you mean the Roman letter D used to represent a number: D = 500
Five hundred in Roman numerals is the letter D.
D is 500 in Roman Numerals.
One half million = 500,000 In Roman numerals, this is: D with a line above it 1.5 million = 1,500,000 In Roman numerals, this is MD with a line above both letters.
It is perhaps in reference to "demi mille", or "half a thousand".