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== == The word Volkgenosse (pl. -n) is a specifically Nazi term. Literally it means race comrade (that is, fellow German), but it is common to leave it untranslated.

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National comrade

Not a "NAZI" term per se, and does not mean "race comrade" which is a disingenuous deliberate distortion to attach the a contemporary racist label negative connotation by association. The term has fallen out of favour in the vocabulary due to its widespread usage as a form of address in the era of Volksgemeinshaft.

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Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

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Who ruled the roman empire for 41 years?

If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.If you mean 44 years, it was Augustus.

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is mean thank you

What was the first roman empires name?

If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman Empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.If you mean the first Roman emperor, it was Augustus. If you mean empire, it was always called the Roman empire.

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