The decimal point. But note that in many countries it is a comma, not a dot.
The decimal point. But note that in many countries it is a comma, not a dot.
The decimal point. But note that in many countries it is a comma, not a dot.
The decimal point. But note that in many countries it is a comma, not a dot.
They are representations of numbers which need not be whole numbers.
yes a whole number is any number that is not a fraction or a decimal.
whole numbers are any positive or negative number that does not have a fraction or decimal point
if you can divide whole numbers, turn the fraction into a whole number by finding its equivalent and replacing the fraction with that equivalent. Then divide the new number which should be whole and you have your answer.
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
They are representations of numbers which need not be whole numbers.
yes a whole number is any number that is not a fraction or a decimal.
Divide the fraction then put the whole number at the front of the decimal.
Numbers have two parts To the left of the decimal point , whole numbers To the right , fraction or part of 1 Two ways to write it: Say: 2.56 (decimal) 2 56/100 (simplifies to ) 2 14/25 Both have same value
No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions. If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative. Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.
whole numbers are any positive or negative number that does not have a fraction or decimal point
if you can divide whole numbers, turn the fraction into a whole number by finding its equivalent and replacing the fraction with that equivalent. Then divide the new number which should be whole and you have your answer.
Move the decimal to the right until they are both whole numbers.You can divide them now.
N0 it is not a whole number. A decimal or a fraction lies between two whole numbers, but are not whole numbers.
To the left of a decimal point are whole numbers. On the right of a decimal point are parts of a whole number.