8192 has 13 prime factors
The highest four-digit prime number is 9,973.
The largest four-digit prime number is 9973.
The greatest four digit number is 9999 Therefore 9999 = 3 × 3 × 11 × 101
How about 4999
It is: 1009
210 is the number whose prime factors are the first four primes unrepeated.
If factors include 1 and the number itself then the any number (n) with only 4 factors has to be the product of two prime numbers, p1 and p2. The factors are then n, p1, p2, and 1. The largest 3-digit number with only 4 factors is 998. The factors are 998, 499, 2 and 1
four The lowest 5 digits prime number is 10007
No prime number can be divided by 4 exactly.