1.0 10 to the power of 09 as decimals?
not really anything unless your using decimals
if the decimal is under .5, then goes to a dollar, but if it is .49 or under, it goes to $0.
Not evenly. It goes in 5.76 times (rounded to two decimals).
If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
1.0 10 to the power of 09 as decimals?
Because left of the decimal point goes times 10 for every position and right of the decimal point goes times -10 for every position.
Factors apply to whole numbers, not decimals.
not really anything unless your using decimals
if the decimal is under .5, then goes to a dollar, but if it is .49 or under, it goes to $0.
Not evenly. It goes in 5.76 times (rounded to two decimals).
Off He Goes was created in 1995-09.
The Story Goes... was created on 2005-09-06.
Dream Goes On was created on 2009-09-23.
If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
Nothing. Expect 1 and some random decimals which I'm not bothered to work out!!!
that is the fraction form of pi. in decimals, it is 3.1415926....it goes on forever...