You get an even number 3 + 3 = 6 5 + 5 = 10
You get an even number
No three odd numbers can add up to an even number.
An odd number.
Well, darling, those three odd consecutive numbers that add up to 252 are 83, 85, and 87. You add them up and you get your grand total of 252. Voilà!
The result is an odd number.
You get an even number 3 + 3 = 6 5 + 5 = 10
You get an even number
Sure! Three addition facts that have sums that are odd numbers are: 1+1=2 (even), 2+1=3 (odd), 3+3=6 (even).
No three odd numbers can add up to an even number.
MOST of the time you just come up with an odd number..
You end up with an even number.
Always. even + even = even odd + odd = even even + odd = odd odd + even = odd To summarise, if you add like numbers you get even, otherwise you get odd.