Multiply by 36
The greatest integer that will divide evenly into 36 is 36. 18 is 36's greatest proper factor.
The prime number 3 can divide 27 and 36.
If 9n = 36 then we divide both sides by 9 to discover what value n has If we divide 9n by 9 we get n If we divide 36 by 9 we get 4 so, if 9n = 36 the n = 4
36 Divide by two. 18,2 Divide by two. 9,2,2 Divide by three. 3,3,2,2 Stop.
1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18 and 36 are the only numbers that can divide evenly into 36.
It is: 144/36 = 4 and with a caculator if need be
You just divide 36 by 3 to get that answer - -12