It is 6% of 1, 60% of 0.1, 600% of 0.01.
You can't ask what something is as a percentage without asking what it is a percentage of.
-------except, obviously, it is out of one. when a decimal is returned in an answer, it must be converted to a percentage out of one. this person is obviously struggling with math, and you're going out of your way to confuse him/her. it is 0.06=6%. 0.6 is equal to 60%, and 6 is equal to 600%
0.00006 or .006%
0.006 as a percentage = 0.6%= 0.006 * 100%= 0.6%
When you are dealing with decimals and percentages the difference between the two will be the place and or presence of the decimal point and percentage sign. If you're given a number in decimal form, moving the decimal point twice to the right will result in its percentage. Similarly, if you're given a number that's a percentage you move the decimal twice to the left to get the number in decimal form. For Example: If you're given 0.6% and need to convert it to its decimal form, you would get .006 To change .006 back to a percentage, you would get 0.6% I've included a link below that provides a more in depth description.
006 (ignore the noughts)
0.01% of 006 = 006*0.01/100 = 0.0006
0.00006 or .006%
.006 is smaller.
0.006 as a percentage = 0.6%= 0.006 * 100%= 0.6%
.004 to .006 in. on the intake and .006 to.008 in. on the exhaust
To find a number that is 100 times smaller than 6, you would divide 6 by 100. This calculation gives you 0.06 as the decimal representation of the number that is 100 times smaller than 6.
Intake: .004-.006 Exhaust: .006-.008
When you are dealing with decimals and percentages the difference between the two will be the place and or presence of the decimal point and percentage sign. If you're given a number in decimal form, moving the decimal point twice to the right will result in its percentage. Similarly, if you're given a number that's a percentage you move the decimal twice to the left to get the number in decimal form. For Example: If you're given 0.6% and need to convert it to its decimal form, you would get .006 To change .006 back to a percentage, you would get 0.6% I've included a link below that provides a more in depth description.