Benchmarks are personal: they are fractions (ratios or decimals) that you are more comfortable with. They also depend on the context.
If I was going to be dealing with percentages, I would go for 0.700.
If I was looking for a relation with degrees (in a circle) I would prefer 0.720 ( = 1/20 of a circle)
1.9 Rounded to the nearest tenth
We look at the last digit. It is an 8, so we round up to give 660 as the rounded number.
133.06 rounded: Rounded to the nearest tenth: 133.1 Rounded to the nearest whole: 134 Rounded to the nearest ten: 130 Rounded to the nearest hundred: 100
-- Rounded to the nearest millionth, it's 0.345591 . -- Rounded to the nearest hundred thousandth, it's 0.34559 . -- Rounded to the nearest ten thousandth, it's 0.3456 . -- Rounded to the nearest thousandth, it's 0.346 . -- Rounded to the nearest hundredth, it's 0.35 . -- Rounded to the nearest tenth, it's 0.4 . -- Rounded to the nearest whole number, it's zero.
1.9 Rounded to the nearest tenth
14/15 hope this helps
It depends what the benchmark is!
We look at the last digit. It is an 8, so we round up to give 660 as the rounded number.
0711 = 7:11 AM
When rounded to the nearest hundredths, 100.147 is rounded to 100.15. When rounded to the nearest tenths, it is rounded to 100.1. When rounded to the nearest hundreds, it is rounded to 100.
6.6273 rounded to the nearest thousandths is 6.627 Rounded to the nearest hundredths, it is 6.63. Rounded to the nearest tenths, it it 6.6. Rounded to the nearest ones, it is 7.
853 rounded to the nearest 100: 900. 10853 rounded to the nearest 100: 10900.
133.06 rounded: Rounded to the nearest tenth: 133.1 Rounded to the nearest whole: 134 Rounded to the nearest ten: 130 Rounded to the nearest hundred: 100