Any number can multiply 115.
115 times 7 is 805
1 x 115, 5 x 23, 23 x 5, 115 x 1
First, 95% is the same as 95/100, or 0.95. If you then multiply 115 by 0.95 the answer is 109.25. So 109.25 is 95% of 115.
Any number can multiply 115.
115 is prime because there are different ways to multiply it
You multiply the number by itself 115 times.
115 times 7 is 805
1 x 115, 5 x 23, 23 x 5, 115 x 1
First, 95% is the same as 95/100, or 0.95. If you then multiply 115 by 0.95 the answer is 109.25. So 109.25 is 95% of 115.
To multiply 115 by 10 add a nought: 1150To divide by ten move the decimal point 1 place to the left: 11.5
1, 5, 7, 23, 25, 35, 115, 161, 175, 575, 805 and 4,025 as follows:1 x 4025, 5 x 805, 7 x 575, 23 x 175, 25 x 161, 35 x 115
It is: 115*7 = 805 days
My Windows Calculator says 132.25. What does yours say?