125 and 1, added together.
There are 24 hrs in a day. 138*24 is 3312 hrs. This added to the hours and mins is 3330 hrs and 39 mins
138 multiplied by 138 is 19,044.
It is: 8 added 125 times = 1,000
It is a 10.4% increase
123=scyther 125=electabuzz
.25 inches added to .125 = 0.375
138 to be exact.
460 and 138
23, 46, 69, 92, 125, 138, 161, 184, 207, 230
125 and 1, added together.
There are 24 hrs in a day. 138*24 is 3312 hrs. This added to the hours and mins is 3330 hrs and 39 mins
138 multiplied by 138 is 19,044.