The denominators are equal, so you can just add the numerators exactly. They add up to 9 over 12.
Too add fractions, you first need to make the denominators (the bottom numbers) equal. by multiplying 1/6 x2, you get 2/12. 11/12 + 2/12 = 13/12 or 1 1/12
3 over 12 and 1 over 12 are not equal.
NO!!! 8.3 = 8 3/10 Not equal to 1/12
The denominators are equal, so you can just add the numerators exactly. They add up to 9 over 12.
The complex conjugates: 1 - sqrt(-11) and 1 + sqrt(-11) that is, 1 - 3.31662i and 1 + 3.31662i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
Too add fractions, you first need to make the denominators (the bottom numbers) equal. by multiplying 1/6 x2, you get 2/12. 11/12 + 2/12 = 13/12 or 1 1/12
3 over 12 and 1 over 12 are not equal.
To get 1, you need 12 twelfths. If you have 7/12 you have to add 5/12 to get to 12/12 = 1(7 + 5 = 12, 7/12 + 5/12 = 12/12 = 1)
1 and 1/12