2961 ft2 = 0.068 acres.
There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).There are 2961 days to it, from the date the question was answered (31 August 2012).
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-2961 was released on: USA: 11 January 1999
It is: 63*47 = 2961
49 divided by 7 =7
1840 MI/ 2961 KM
the answer is 7