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Tito Nolan

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4y ago
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13y ago

two divided by one half (2/.5) equals four (4)

one half divided by two (.5/2) equals one fourth (.25=1/4)

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Q: What is 2 divide 1 half?
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Divide by 2 or multiply by 1/2 to divide inches in half.

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It is: 1/2 divided by 1/2 = 1

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It is: 1/2 divided by 1/2 = 1

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1 1 : half is 2. Working: 1:- = Divide turn to times and turn the number so half turned is 2 so :1x2 is 2 2

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(Divide by 1/2) is the same operation as (multiply by 2).(1.75) x (2) = 3 and 1/2

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There is .5 miles in half a mile. Just divide 1 by 2. 1/2 is .5.

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Multiply by 1/2 or Divide by 2

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1/2 x 1/3 = 1/6

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There is .5 miles in half a mile. Just divide 1 by 2. 1/2 is .5.

What is is 30 divide by half?

30 divided by 1/2 is 60.

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Divide by 2. Multiply by 0.5 Multiply by 1/2