It is 35
35 will be rounded up to 40 and 67 to 70 40 + 70 = 110
It is: 63% rounded
35 is already rounded to the nearest whole.
35/365 35 / 5 = 7 365 / 5 = 73 Therefore the answer is 7/73 Note:9.60 as a rounded up decimal
It is 35
Every angle has a sine and a cosine. The sine of 35 degrees is 0.57358 (rounded) The cosine of 35 degrees is 0.81915 (rounded)
35 will be rounded up to 40 and 67 to 70 40 + 70 = 110
35 cents is 70% of 50 cents. However, if you mean, "What is 35% of 50 cents?" your answer is 17.5 . While the number 5 is commonly rounded up, in the case of money it is up to the lender to decide which way to round.
35 or 35.2