

What is 3y-12?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Mylene Wintheiser

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9y ago

It is a linear expression in the variable y. It can be factorised into 3*(y-4) but nothing else.

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Q: What is 3y-12?
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Do you mean 4x-3y = 12 then it is at (3, 0)

Which equation represents a line that is parallel to the line whose equation is 2x 3y12?

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Without an equality sign it's no kind of any equation but if you mean 3y=12 then y=4

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If you mean: 6x+3y = 12 then it is y = -2x+4 in slope-intercept form

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If you mean: 6x+3y = 12 then it is y = -2x+4 in slope-intercept form

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If you mean: -4x+3y = 12 then y = 4/3x+4 whereas 4/3 is the slope and 4 is the y intercept

What point lines on the graph of the equation 4x-3y12?

None because without an equal sign it's not an equation but some kind of an algebraic expression.

What the slope of 6x-3y12?

If you mean: 6x-3y = 12 Then: -3y = -6x+12 And: y = 2x-4 So: the slope is 2 and the y intercept is -4

What are the steps to rewrite the equation in function form 2x 3y12?

If you mean: 2x+3y = 12 then y = -2/3x+4 whereas -2/3 is the slope and 4 is the y intercept

What line is perpendicular to 4x-3y12?

The equation has been distorted in the question (as usual on this site). The general idea is to solve the equation for "y"; read off the slope from the resulting equation; then divide minus 1 by this slope to get the slope of the perpendicular line.

Is 2x 3y12 a linear equation?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. Also use ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2).